What are Open Captions? 

Open Captions are a text display of the words, sounds, and speakers’ names in a movie, visible on the screen for everyone to see.

When will you have Open Caption screenings? 

Open Caption screenings will be on Tuesday evenings for showtimes between 6:30pm and 7:45pm and on Thursday afternoons for showtimes between 12:45pm and 1:45pm.

Are Open Captions available for all films? 

Open Captions are not available for any film projected on film (16mm, 35mm, 70mm) and films that are part of repertory programs. Some first-run films may also not have Open Captions available, depending on the film’s distributor. 

Where can I find Open Caption showtimes?

There are two ways:

Go to coolidge.org, click on Now Playing, and select the film you would like to see. If available, a list of that week’s Open Caption showtimes will be listed below the film’s description. 

Go to coolidge.org/opencaptions, and there will be a list of every film that week that has Open Captions and their showtimes.

Why have Open Caption screenings?

Adding Option Caption screenings aligns with the Coolidge’s ongoing effort to increase accessibility for our audiences, including better accommodating our community members who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.

Who can I direct questions/comments/concerns to?

Email access@coolidge.org or go to a member of box office staff.