Projectionist processing 70mm film

As New England's most successful independent, nonprofit cinema, the Coolidge is dedicated to keeping the art of film projection alive and well in Greater Boston. In 2023, we excitedly established a new fund that directly supports 16mm, 35mm, and 70mm film at the Coolidge: the Film Forever Fund.

In the early 2000s, Hollywood studios announced that they were phasing out 35mm prints in favor of digital distribution. This shift effectively translated to an ultimatum for movie theaters: convert or die. Several independently owned movie cinemas went out of business, but in 2012, the Coolidge successfully raised funds to install digital projection. At the same time, we remain dedicated to preserving film projection and have continued to employ talented projectionists who are State Licensed Motion Picture Operators trained to handle film.

As film prints become more difficult to secure and distributors invest in them less, the cost of screening on film has increased significantly in the last several years—but we're committed to presenting this historically important medium as often as we can. The Film Forever Fund helps the Coolidge accurately retain the vision of filmmakers who choice to shoot in film.

“There’s nothing like seeing a 35mm or 70mm print of a movie you love projected on screen. We are grateful to our donors for recognizing the importance of film  and helping to ensure that our audiences will continue to have the opportunity to experience films to their full potential at the Coolidge.” – Mark Anastasio, Program Director

The Film Forever Fund is vital to our ability to continue screening on film and keeping ticket prices at competitive rates for moviegoers. A gift in any amount will help us to maintain the world-class projection you've come to know and love at the Coolidge.

Donate To The Fund


Click below for showtimes for 35mm and 70mm films.

35mm Films      70mm Films